Reciprocity with Nature

How can we make what is unseen more apparent, or deepen our understanding and connection with natural processes and phenomena that are hidden from view? How would our actions change if we could broaden our perception or understanding?

As Juhani Pallasmaa, Finnish architect and author says, “Architecture is not ‘out there’. It is a mediation between the world and our minds”. I believe the same could be said of Nature and the manufactured environments at large, and I apply this idea as a starting point for thinking about our relationship to the natural world. There is a continuous back and forth dialogue that occurs between us and the environment — one that can quickly shift. I want to explore that relationship and in how our perspectives have profound consequences for the environments we inhabit and the natural world that surrounds us.

Works in progress.
Please check back soon for updates.


Vancouver Biennale

Upcoming release of Proposal for Reimagined Futures — a book that details Luckhurst’s upcoming projects. Details to be announced.

Edmonton Arts Council

Funding received to assist with the development of concepts for large-scale public artworks.

Stream 3: Major Artist Driven Projects